15 September 2024

Dragonbane Readthrough, Part Six

The sixth chapter, Gear, is all about the various pieces of Equipment that can be purchased by Dragonbane player characters, with a big emphasis on combat-related gear. Expect the usual [boring] lists of weapons, armour, etc. from frp games.

The Good

1. Heavy/noisy armour gives banes on various rolls, rather than minus something penalties.

2. Weapons are divided into bludgeoning, slashing, etc. categories, with optional rules to take this feature into account if you want more of a simulationist approach to combat.

The Bad

This chapter is literally a compilation of lists. Do not expect anything like the RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment book.

Actually, what is most fun about the Dragonbane gear is the vast array of improvised weapons, which however are not described in this chapter but on a set of bespoke cards that are part of the Dragonbane core set.

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