31 August 2024

RPG A Day 28−31

Day 28 — Great Gamer Gadget

I don’t like gadgets— at least not for tabletop role-playing games; I’ll happily purchase gadgets for my wargames, like mounted mapboards, deluxe cards, bespoke dice, acrylic counters, you name it. But the action of a role-playing game unfolds in your mind... it doesn’t need any physical media!

Day 29 — Awesome App

Sorry it’s in French but the best answer to this stupid question is definitely imaginos’.

Day 30 — Person You’d Like to Game With

I’ve mentioned at the Day 19 entry that I’d only managed to have the missus play once. It was a D&D game and she was playing a fairy. She was awesome (not very surprising since she’s into improvisational theatre) but alas she never wanted to play again... she prefers family boardgames. So that’s it: the person I’d like to game with is my wife!

Day 31 — Game or Gamer You Miss

Well, as a Gloranthaphile, I obviously miss Greg Stafford. Technically speaking, he wasn’t a great GM (all of us who have had the privilege to play with him have anecdotes on this subject) but he was such a marvellous and mesmerising storyteller.

I miss you Greg!

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