
09 February 2016

The New RuneQuest - First Snippets of Information

The Chaosium have released the first real snippets of actual information about the new incarnation of their flagship role-playing game (no, it's not the Call of Cthulhu). You can click here to get to the relevant post. I am sceptical about the“launching at Gen Con this year” bit of the article. The Gen Con is in August; a launch in August 2016 is tantamount to saying that the game is almost finished and in its very final playtesting phase, yet Steve Perrin has just recently jumped on board, and it seems any playtesting at the moment is restricted to the Chaosium inner circle, so....?

Anyway, what has caught my interest is not the aggressive time-line, it is the picture of the hand-drawn player character sheet:

I like the fact that we're ending up with way more runes on the player character sheet than in HeroQuest Glorantha or in the short-lived RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha.
I also like the fact that this feature directly reverts Gloranthan cosmology as presented p146-149 of the Guide to Glorantha (but what about the other Form runes?).


  1. In what way do you mean this sketch directly reverts Gloranthan cosmology as presented p146-149 of the Guide to Glorantha?

  2. Well, maybe not directly but there is certainly a link, and it is far more fun than a mere list of Runes and percentages.
