
03 August 2024

RPG A Day 1−3

Hey. Haven’t done this for a long time, mostly because the daily suggestions of the last few editions were kinda daft.

Also I think I will be unable to post daily, so expect this as irregular bursts every two or three days.

Day One − First RPG Bought This Year

Well, it doesn’t specify whether it’s ‘dead tree’ or any format, so I’ll assume it’s the latter and it’s going to be a double order for two Jonstown Compendium products:

Nochet: Queen of Cities

Secrets of HeroQuesting

both for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. This was on 1st March, which also shows that I don’t buy as many RPGs as I used to.

Day Two − Most Recently Played

Again, it doesn’t specify whether it’s face-to-face or any kind of gaming, so again I’m assuming the latter. In which case it’s my Monday night VTT session of

Old School Essentials

GM’ed by Old Scouse Roleplayer.

Day Three − Most often played RPG

Since the 2023 RPG-a-Day challenge? since the beginning of the year? since forever? It would be nice to know. I’ll assume since forever, in which case it is

RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha

(with HeroQuest/QuestWorlds a close second).

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