
27 March 2016

FG Con: Revolution D100 On-Line Demo Game

As implied by its name, FG Con is an on-line convention devoted to the popular on-line tabletop RPG platform Fantasy Grounds. The on-line convention is taking place from 8 to 10 April 2016.

An official adaptation of the Fantasy Grounds engine to Revolution D100 has been available for some time now for a select group of happy playtesters. Yours truly can testify that it is really a top-notch adaptation that almost gives you the same experience as playing in the same room as your friends.

Paolo Guccione, the author of Revolution D100, will be demoing it on Saturday 9 April from 9pm to 1am CET. You may register here.

Paolo may run further on-line demos, depending on how many people subscribe. Paolo is an 'Ultimate GM', meaning players needn't have a Fantasy Ground licence. You can play in his games for free – just download the software and play. You will also receive a link to the latest version of the Revolution D100 SRD, and a library module with the most important tables and charts.

1 comment:

  1. Should anyone want to play with Paolo and me:
