
18 October 2015

Random Sartarite Name Generator

Art © Dario Corallo
I needed a random Sartarite name generator so I created one. I think this is better than the guidelines on p26 of Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes.

We assume the sex of the NPC has already been determined, else D6: 1-3: Female, 4-6: Male.

 D20   Name Type 
 1   one-syllable name (please make it up) 
 2-10   two-part name with initial + final elements (roll below) 
 11-16   three-part name with initial + middle + final elements (roll below) 
 17-18   four-part name with initial + middle + final elements + suffix (roll below) 
 19-20   three-part name with initial + final elements + suffix (roll below) 

D100 Male Initial Element
1-3 An-
4-6 Ar-
3-9 Bro-
10-12 Caras-
13-15 Dang-
16-18 Derd-
19-21 Eo-
22-24 Ern-
25-27 Far-
28-30 For-
31-33 G-
34-36 Ga-
37-39 Gar-
40-42 Har-
43-44 Hen-
45-46 Heort-
47-49 Hof-
50-52 Jar-
53-55 Kal-
56-58 Kan-
59-61 Kor(o)l-
62-64 Min-
65-67 O-
68-70 Orl-
71-73 Rakel-
74-76 Rast-
77-79 Sali-
80-82 Sar-
83-84 Sil-
86-87 Tar-
89-90 Ter-
92-93 To-
95-96 Vad-
98-100 Ven-

D30 Male Middle Element
1-2 -al-
3-4 -am-
5-6 -an-
7 -as-
8-9 -d- before a consonant / -dr- before a vowel
10 -dangh- before a consonant / -dangy- before a vowel
11 -g- before a consonant / -gr- before a vowel
12 -gh- before a consonant / -gy- before a vowel
13 -h- before a consonant / -y- before a vowel
14 -kal-
15 -ki-
16 -kin-
17 -ma- before a consonant / -m- before a vowel
18 -n-
19 -nel-
20 -o-
21 -ol-
22 -on-
23 -or-
24 -orl-
25 -os-
26 -ri-
27 -rob-
28 -st-
29-30 -v-

D30 Male Final Element
1 -akt
2 -al
3 -an
4-5 -ar
6 -arg
7-8 -arl
9 -arm
10-11 -ast
12-13 -ath
14 -g
15 -ik
16-17 -il
18 -in
19 -is
20 -ist
21 -k
22 -lai
23 -ng
24 -on
25 -or
26 -rai
27 -rev
28 -sar
29 -tar
30 -tip

D20 Male Suffix
1 -alor
2 -aran
3-4 -d
5 -des
6 -di
7-8 -er
9 -f
10 -(g)ian
11 -in
12 -ing
13 -le
14 -os
15 -stan
16 -star
17 -ste
18-19 -(y)th
20 -var

i. Siblings will often share the same initial element(s), e.g., Sil·kin·ist·er and Sil·kin·or
ii. Individuals with the Darkness rune or from a Darkness-influenced clan may replace one or several vowels in their name with a 'u'.

D100 Female Initial Element
1-2 A-
3-4 Ar-
5-6 Be-
7-8 Bre-
9 Bry-
10-11 Dar-
12-13 Dara-
14-15 Do-
16-17 Du-
18-19 E-
20-21 Ent-
22-23 Erin-
24-25 Ernal-
26-27 Es-
28 Esrol-
29-30 Grisel-
31-32 Ha-
33-34 Har-
35-36 Heort-
37-38 Inster-
39-40 Ivar-
41-42 Jar-
43-44 Jarnar-
45-46 Jen-
47-48 Kal-
49-50 Kel-
51-52 Ken-
53-54 Le-
55-56 Li-
57-58 Lis-
59-60 Lon-
61-62 Marer-
63-64 Mer-
65-66 Mor-
67-68 Natal-
69-70 Ondur-
71-72 Onel-
73-74 Oran-
75-76 Sartar-
77-78 Sen-
79-80 Senren-
81-82 So-
83-84 Soa-
85-86 Tar-
87-88 The-
89-90 Ul-
91-92 Vin-
93-94 Yan-
95-96 Ye-
97-98 Yor-
99-100 Yr-

D20 Female Middle Element
1 -g-
2 -gan-
3-4 -i-
5 -in-
6 -is-
7 -kal-
8-9 -l-
10 -lan-
11 -mel-
12 -nal-
13 -ne-
14 -noth-
15-16 -r-
17 -ra-
18 -re-
19 -sul-
20 -vu-

D30 Female Final Element
1 -a
2-3 -d
4-5 -da
6 -ea
7 -een
8 -en
9 -eth
10 -ga
11 -ia
12 -in(a)
13 -is(sa)
14 -ka
15-16 -la
17 -na
18 -ne
19 -nt
20 -ola
21 -oth
22 -ra
23 -sa
24 -shi
25 -t
26-27 -va
28-29 -ynn
30 -yr

D20 Female Suffix
1-2 -ella
3-4 -er
5-6 -ina
7-8 -lla
9-11 -na
12-13 -nina
14-16 -rella
17-18 -rios
19-20 -ta


  1. Very useful, thank you!
    BTW, I'd love to read about the adventure you ran with Adventures in Glorantha.

  2. I'll publish the adventure soon in The Hanging Garden. You'll be then able to figure out!

  3. I took the liberty to put this generator into Chartopia:
