
30 July 2014

RuneQuest 6 In Italian - State of the Crowdfunding Campaign

A short post about the state of the crowdfunding campaign for the Italian version of RuneQuest 6. There are only two days left, and the funding of the campaign is only at 57%. Please click on the link below, and contribute :)

RuneQuest 6 Edizione Italiana

Quick recap of what is to be expected, should the crowfunding campaign succeed:
- A three-volume edition of the game
- A5-dimensioned PDF files for improved readability
- Looking for a November 2104 availability of the manuals

There are also a few interesting stretch golas (esp. the firdst one below), but alas I doubt they will be achieved:
- An all-Italian setting book
- A translation of Mythic Britain (aimed at a 2015 publication)
- ...


  1. Espero sinceramente que el crowdfunding salga adelante. Alephtar Games ha publicado excelentes suplementos para BRP, y me gustaría mucho ver novedades de la editorial dedicados a RQ (o incluso adaptaciones de los anteriores).

  2. Sadly, it didn't fund :(
