
02 May 2014

Deluxe T&T - OK, I'll Stop Complaining

OK, we all know that the Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Kickstarter is laaaate, I've complained enough about this situation on this very blog.

However, the nice chaps at FBI (or whomever is driving this KS) keep sending us all kinds of freebies to keep us backers content. And, man, was the latest freebie simply astonishingly fantastic: Adventurers Compendium, a 92-page compendium of material from the Golden Age of Tunnels & Trolls, when the Sorcerer's Apprentice was the best frp magazine around, period. SA ran from 1978 to 1983.

So what does this beauty contain?

It starts with a gallery of all the SA covers, along with the names of the artists. Alas, I miss issues 1 to 4, so it's nice to see the reproduction of the covers in full colour (even if they are small).

This is followed by a short intro by Ken St André, then by a two-page Random Treasure Generator, again by Ken St André, which is very simple (monetary + weapons) but deliciously Old School in flavour.

Then follow 10 solo adventures and 3 GM adventures from SA that have been re-statted to render them compatible with the upcoming Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls [which looks like it will be fairly similar to the latest French edition], and the paragraph links work within the PDF. This is so cool. The adventures are:
 - Kingmaker (solo) by Michael Stackpole from SA issue No.1
 - Seven Ayes (solo) by Ken St André from SA issue No.2
 - Golden Dust, Red Death (solo) by Michael Stackpole from SA issue No.4
 - A Sworded Adventure (solo) by Ken St André from SA issue No.5
 - Stop Thief (solo) by Michael Stackpole from SA issue No.7
 - Thief For Hire (solo) by Robert B Schofield from SA issue No.12
 - The Legend of The... (humorous solo) by Liz Danforth from SA issue No.13
 - First Command (solo) by Ken St André from SA issue No.15
 - Hot Pursuit (solo) by Michael Stackpole from SA issue No.16
 - Circle of Ice (solo) by Paul Creelman, not from SA
 - Sea Reaver's Tomb (GM) by Liz Danforth from SA issue No.3
 - The Tomb of Axton (GM) by Ryan O'Connor from SA issue No.9/10
 - The Black Dragon Tavern (GM) by Michael Stackpole from SA issue No.11

So, for those of you who aren't backers... Go and buy it now!!!


  1. Thanks for the kind comments! Really really glad you "got" what this book was all about. We wanted to find a more interesting way to present these "lost" adventures and the result is this book. It's also available as a 8.8 x 11 paperback. You can get that from Amazon or from Flying Buffalo. And yes it is Flying Buffalo behind all this. The Fellowship (Ken, Liz, Bear, Rick & Steve) are the actual team putting it all together.
    Thanks for the review - yours is the first one I've seen!

  2. By the way, I already translated Mike Stackpole's Hot Pursuit mini-solo and gave it to Casus Belli. Didier Guiserix told me repeatedly that they were going to publish it, but I guess T&T is not their top priority. Vous qui voudriez bien voir du T&T dans Casus Belli, n'hésitez pas à le leur écrire - l'union fait la force !
