
22 January 2012

T&T: New French-Language Edition

Because of my intolerance to the recent "buzz" about a 5th edition of D&D, I had recently jokingly posted about an 8th edition of T&T.

Well, believe it or not, there is going to be an 8th edition of T&T: it will be based upon the rule book and the magic book of the 7th edition published by Fiery Dragon, but with a different, improved presentation (I agree 7th ed. was horribly presented... what a mess!). Some excerpts from Flying Buffalo's 5.5 ed., and which were not included in Fiery Dragon's, will also be incorporated, again for clarity's sake, plus some bonus stuff like firearms, poisons, a glossary of arms and armour... Ken St. André himself will add some more bonus stuff. And it will only be available in French, at least at the moment.

Much of the art will be from the 5th ed. by Flying Buffalo, and Liz Danforth is adding some new art. You might even have a say in what she will be drawing — more on her blog.

T&T 8th ed., in French, expected at the end of February 2012. Yippee!


  1. Zut, s'il y a du Liz Danforth, je vais devoir l'acheter. Vil tentateur. :)

    Mais je ne suis pas sûr d'apprécier l'ajout de la caractéristique Wizardry en plus de Force dans les dernières éditions. La fatigue physique de la magie était une idée que j'aimais bien dans T&T, même si cela avait l'effet pervers que les mages mettaient leurs points en Force pour lancer des sorts plus puissants.

  2. Ah, moi en tant que fan du Basic Role-Playing System forcément j'ai tjrs utilisé la caractéristique WIZ même quand elle n'était qu'une house rule pour du POW déguisé :)

    C'est vrai que l'idée que le lancement des sortilèges fatiguât le magicien était séduisante mais on se retrouvait avec des magos qui ressemblaient à Conan :(
